Snack Like a Pro: ProSeed® Sunflower Seed Spit Cup in 4 Simple Steps!
🌻 Step 1: Fill the Outer Ring with Seeds
🌻 Step 2: Pour Fresh Seeds from the Side Cap
🌻 Step 3: Drop Shells into the Top Cap
🌻 Step 4: Remove Yellow Plug to Empty!🗑️

Don't let this happened to you!
A ProSeed® Sunflower Seed Cup will eliminate this problem from happening again.
Continue scrolling to find out how.
ProSeed® Sunflower Seed Spit Cups
🌻 Wherever life takes you, keep it clean with ProSeed 🌻

Yes! Pistachios will fit in the ProSeed cup.
ProSeed® Sunflower Seed Snack Cup
Sunflower seeds are an excellent snack on-the-go or at the ballpark but can be very inconvenient. Fresh seeds are typically sold in bags, so it is necessary to pour into your hands before eating. When a proper container is not accessible, people often spit the shells on the ground or the floor and when driving, cannot even enjoy seeds because they have nowhere to dispose of the shells. ProSeed is the perfect solution, and it fits in most standard cup holders, always within reach.
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ProSeed® Cup has a place for the seeds AND the shells all together in one handy cup.
Are you a fan of snacking on sunflower seeds? If so, the ProSeed® cup is the perfect snack companion for you! This patented design features a reusable plastic cup that allows you to easily fill it with your favorite sunflower seeds. You can open the side cap to pour the seeds into your hand for easy snacking, and the top cap is perfect for temporarily storing the empty shells until it’s time to dispose of them.
🌻Make Snacking Easier
No more awkward bag of sunflower
seeds to fumble with. Once the bag
is open, seeds have the risk
of flying everywhere.
What a mess!
Enjoying your snack? What do you
do with the shells? A cup can easily
tip over. With a ProSeed cup,
you can also store the used shells.
ProSeed has a place for the seeds
AND the shells all together
in one handy cup.
With a ProSeed, snacking
on-the-go is simple.
🌻Convenient for Travel
ProSeed fits in most standard
cup holders so it will always
be within your reach.
You can keep your eyes on the road.
Just fill the outer compartment with
your favorite flavor of seeds then
you're ready for a ride.
Just be sure to empty shells
by pulling out the yellow plug over
a trash can before you leave.
To prevent molding,
it is best to empty used shells
after each use. Washing often is
also recommended.
🌻Perfect for Games
Once an unsightly mess, you can
now keep your area clean
at the ballpark.
With ProSeed, you can
Shells left behind in stadiums and
on fields create unnecessary
clean-up for sporting facilities.
Every day, more ballfields of all sizes
are restricting the use of seeds because
of the mess they create.
Not any longer.
Bring seeds back to the game
with a ProSeed.

Break it Down
The Cup: The cup of the ProSeed includes an outer ring for storing fresh seeds and an interior cone compartment to house empty shells until the user can dispose them neatly into an appropriate waste container. The inner cone raised above the top of the cup also aids in easy filling of fresh seeds into the outer ring. This creates a barrier to keep fresh seeds falling into the disposal cone. Just place your hand at the top of the cup and pour seeds between it and the wall of the inner cone.
The Lid: The lid contains two flip top caps held with straps. The side hole allows user to pour fresh seeds into their hand, or directly into their mouth. Users remove the middle cap to place (or spit) the empty shells. Only one cap should be open at a time to prevent spillage. We do not recommend carrying the ProSeed by the straps.
The Plug: The ProSeed has a yellow plug at the bottom of the cup that pops out to allow users to dispose of the empty shells into an appropriate waste container.
⚠ Warning: Product could contain small parts. Not recommended for young children.
⚠ Choking Hazard: Sunflower seeds could pose a choking hazard for infants/toddlers.